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This month, I turned 6-0!

I learned some valuable lessons along the way, both good and bad, and I thought I would take a moment to impart some onto you.

Photo by Logan Ellzey on Unsplash

At a young age, we dream of being an adult so we can do grown-up things. However, little did we know that being a grown-up isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be – Life can be challenging and test you in more ways than you ever thought possible.

Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be a child again sometimes, right?

But that’s the beautiful thing about life; you grow older, taking all of the valuable lessons life has taught you along the way, and share them with your children, grandchildren, loved ones, and friends like you. Instilling the wisdom you have gained from your life experiences and hoping it’ll impact someone’s life for the better.

Therefore, with that said, here are a few things I have learned along the way in my sixty years of life!

Be Present

In a world that’s growing immensely with technology and distracting us from what’s right in front of us, I encourage you to be present. Put the electronics away, create memories with your loved ones, and cherish them.

Life is far too short!

In the blink of an eye, your children are grown up, and so, too, will be your grandchildren. You cannot take those years or moments back, so enjoy them. By all means, snap a quick photo or video to capture and remember the moment, but let it stop there. Your loved ones deserve your time, attention, and respect, so give it to them.

Life is Short

Yes, life is too short, and you never know when the Lord will call you home. As the saying goes, there isn’t a promise of tomorrow; therefore, live it as if it were your last. Live AUDICIOUSLY. Do more of what you love, what brings you joy and happiness! Let go of FEAR.   Be sure to let the people in your life what they mean to you.  Get rid of what no longer serves you and make room for all the Universe/God has in store for you.

Focus less on negativity and more on positivity. There’s always something to be grateful for no matter the situation, so find the blessing!

Stop saying you’ll do something tomorrow or someday, and do it today. Start crossing off all the things you have on your bucket list – enjoy life!

The point is to be BRAVE and take ACTION!

Ask for Help

 It has taken me a very long time to be able to ask for help.  Lots of time, we think we can do everything ourselves, which leads us to feel overwhelmed and frustrated.  You know what they say, “You have not because you ask not!”  What are some of the ways you need help?  Remember Maid For You is here to help with all your cleaning needs. You can ask us for help by using any of our services and allowing us to take some of those to-do list items off your list!

  • Deluxe Top to Bottom Cleaning
  • Initial Cleaning
  • Maintenance Cleaning
  • Vacation Service
  • Laundry & Light Cleaning
  • Catering, Party Service, and Party Clean-up
  • Coronavirus Cleaning and Flu Disinfecting Services

Please visit our Services page or contact us for a free quote for full details on our services!

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Smell the Roses

Life moves quickly around you. Hours turn into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Before you know it, ten years pass by, and when you look back on your life, will you smile with pride and gratitude or frown with despair and regret?

Take the time to appreciate all that life has to offer you. Be present, grateful, and humble. Enjoy the little moments for one day; they’ll become the greatest, most cherished moments of your life.

Make time for you, too. Stop with the hustle and bustle of everyday life and be still. Close your eyes, tune into your senses, and notice what you see, hear, smell, feel, or even taste. Log that experience and store it onto your brain’s hard drive, preserving that memory.

And if I could impart one more word of advice, it would be to be yourself! Embrace who you are authentically at your core. Don’t change to fit in; love yourself enough to know that you were born to stand out!

May my advice provide some inspiration for you!

Share in the comments: What’s the best piece of advice you have received from a loved one about life?



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