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The holiday season is a time for joy and togetherness, but it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to keeping your home clean and organized. Most people don’t have the time, energy or capacity to deep clean their home during the holidays, and that’s okay! But the busyness doesn’t mean the living and mess stop. We live in our homes, and our homes get messy. To help, we’ve created a simple schedule of basic things you can do to keep your home relatively clean, neat and tidy this holiday season. Plus we’ve added a few fun ways to add that cozy hygge feeling to your home this holiday season. Bonus! Some of the cozy tips can be turned into simple, affordable, budget-friendly gifts for friends and family.


Prefer to skip the holiday cleaning? Give Maid For You a call! Just click the ‘get a quote‘ tab on our site or call us at 215-370-7993 and we’ll get your home sparkling clean for your holiday guests!


And stay tuned in January when we share with you a post-holiday New Year’s cleaning schedule to deep clean and kick the new year off in a clean, de-cluttered, de-stressed frame of mind.


Simple Holiday Cleaning Calendar


Week 1: December 1-7


Day 1-2: Living Room Tidy:
Vacuum the living room floors.
Pick up any clutter that doesn’t belong.


Day 3-4: Kitchen Cleanup:
Tackle kitchen and dining areas.
Wipe the exterior of the appliances and clean the oven.


Day 5-6: Deck the Halls in the Bedrooms:
Change bedding and vacuum bedrooms


Day 7: Bathroom Tidy:
Clean and sanitize sinks, countertops and toilets.
Change towels and provide toiletries.


Week 2: December 8-14


Day 8-9: Focus on Floors:
Vacuum carpets or mop floors.
Clean doormats


Day 10-11: Guest Room Prep:
Clean and organize guest rooms.
Provide extra blankets and pillows.
Add festive touches to guest spaces


Day 12-13: Final Touches Throughout the House:
Hang wreaths and decorations
Arrange homemade centerpieces
Check lighting and replace any burnt-out bulbs


Day 14: Family Room Fun
Family clean-up time – involve everyone in tidying shared spaces
Set up a cozy space for family movie night


Week 3: December 15-21


Day 15-16: Outdoor Clean-Up:
Clear pathways and driveways
Shake out outdoor mats


Day 17-18: Wrapping Station:
Create a wrapping station with supplies
Organize gift-wrapping materials
Set up a designated area for wrapping presents


Day 19-20: Budget-Friendly Family Craft Day:
Do something fun such as creating homemade ornaments or crafting personalized gift tags.
Paper snowflakes can be especially fun and easy if you have littles.


This is also a great time to make neighbor and friend gifts. Make a simmer pot in a jar! You also can start a simmer pot in your own home to make it smell fabulous, and gift these in mason jars.


Here’s how to do it:
Grab mason jars, lids and fill with:
1/2 cup of cranberries (more if you want)
2 clementines
1 tbsp of whole cloves
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
1/4 tsp of allspice
1/4 of ginger
3 cinnamon sticks
2 -3 sprigs of fresh pine or rosemary
1 tsp vanilla (optional)


Tie with cute ribbon and you’re all set!


Day 21: Final Countdown:


Check all tasks on the cleaning calendar
Enjoy a cozy evening with the family!


As you’re in the final days to the holiday, have fun and relax!


Here are a few budget-friendly family ideas:

Holiday Movie Marathon:
Choose a night for a holiday movie marathon. Pull out blankets and pillows, make some popcorn, and enjoy classic Christmas films together.

DIY Decorations:
Create your own holiday decorations using materials around the house. Make paper snowflakes, string popcorn garlands, or repurpose old ornaments into something new.

Cookie Decorating Party:
Bake a batch of sugar cookies and let the whole family get creative with icing and decorations. It’s a delicious and festive activity.

Outdoor Adventures:
Take a family stroll through your neighborhood to enjoy the holiday lights. Look for the best-decorated houses and vote on your favorites.

Christmas Carol Karaoke:
Have a family karaoke night singing your favorite Christmas carols. It’s a great way to spread cheer without spending a dime.

Secret Santa with a Twist:
Instead of buying gifts, have a family Secret Santa where each person creates a thoughtful, handmade gift for their chosen family member.

Nature Walk and Collect:
Take a nature walk to collect pine cones, twigs, and evergreen branches. Use these natural materials to create rustic, budget-friendly decorations.

Christmas Storytime:
Gather in the living room with blankets and hot cocoa for a cozy Christmas storytime. Everyone can take turns reading their favorite holiday stories.

Remember, the holiday season is about creating cherished memories with your loved ones. With a little planning and creativity, you can have a clean and festive home while enjoying budget-friendly family activities that bring everyone closer together. Happy holidays!